Friday, December 08, 2006

It's been a while

Yes, it's been over a week since I've gotten on here and written anything. I will blame school for that. Like just about everyone who has ever gone to college knows, one of the roughest weeks in any given period of school is the last week before finals. And, guess what... Finals is next week. So, I have had an assignment from each of my classes due either yesterday or today, and of course, it's the last assignment so they are all pretty gnarlarific. Hey I just made up a new word. That Jocie gal at Starbucks would be proud of me. Anyways, it's nice to finally be done with all of the homework crap for the quarter, and completely done with one of my three classes (no final!!!). Hell, next week I won't have anything to talk about. No classes, no people I see in classes, nada. I suppose I could talk about how much sleep I just got, but I'm not sure how I can stretch that out into anything worthwhile (like I'm successfully doing right now). Sorry folks, nothing in my mind is really tying together to form anything logical, so you're just being submitted to a bunch of insane rambling. I know this. I just don't think I'm ready to go to bed yet. However, I do think I am going to get off of the computer and do something at least preparing me for bed. And, even though this post makes absolutely no sense, in the spirit of the blog, it shall be posted.


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