Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Absurd craziness

I got my first midterm back today from my EE class. I got a 51/100 on it. I know it sounds really bad, but all things considered it really isn't. First off, I was very sick that morning, with congestion, runny nose, the whole sickly feeling, everything. It was the worst day of the sickness I had. So that played a very key role, so much that I can look at the test today and I feel really stupid for some of the things I missed on it. That 51 could have easily been in the 60's or even higher. Even that doesn't sound very good (60?) except for the fact that the average for my section was a whopping 50. So, put those two together, and I actually feel kind of good about my 51, and I know I will come back with a vengeance on the final.

Other than that, today has been pretty laid back. I got home from school and started cooking a roast, and I've been finishing up a lab report for my EE lab, but other than that, it's been really light. Oh, one thing I found this morning kind of peeved me a little. Yesterday, my umbrella had broken on my way to my first class of the day. During the class I left it a little open, as well as the whole hour after the first class. At the beginning of the second class, I closed it up and put it in my backpack. This morning, I pulled it out along with the books I didn't need for today and discovered that the umbrella was still a little wet yesterday when I put it in my backpack. One of my books, my EE book to be exact, had a nice wet spot on the bottom of it, and it stretched about an inch from the spine of the book to the edge, and it soaked up about half an inch onto the pages. I know that it will dry, but I expected to have that book for quite a while, as it is the beginning EE book with the basics in it.

After the initial frustration at the whole "wet book" deal, I actually started to think it was funny. Saturday, when this horrendous rain actually started, I was talking to Sabrina about umbrellas and how it was (stupidly, but I didn't include that word in the conversation) "mannish" to face a rain storm without one. Then on Monday, I started thinking about how it was a really smart idea after all, and pulled my umbrella out to use it. However, the bad karma had already been laid. Since a "man never uses an umbrella" my umbrella made sure it would not be used. Funny how much life an inanimate object can have sometimes.


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