Tuesday, November 21, 2006

A little tale

I keep on forgetting to come on here and write this story. The night I took my belaying class, I got the ride to the gym from my roommate. Since he's even less familiar with the IMA area than I am (see the previous posts). This was also compounded with the fact that there was a basketball game that night so there were a lot of added traffic redirections. When we first got there, we completely missed the turn-in for the IMA and had to go way past it and do a U-turn. On the way back, due to the traffic restrictions, we couldn't turn in coming from the other direction either. So, my roommate said screw it and turned anyway. He made it halfway through the other side of the street when he stopped for a bicyclist riding along the sidewalk. It turns out that my roommate totally freaked out the bicyclist. When I got dropped off (in the opposite direction the bicyclist was headed, I saw the guy coming towards me. (This started at the stadium, by the way) Before he could say anything, I looked straight at him and said, simply, "Let it go." But the guy kept following me. Every time he'd start to say something, I'd interrupt him with a "Let it go". Finally, he got tired of me saying that or something and said, himself, "You let it go." Brilliant. Anyways, he followed me all the way from the stadium to the IMA parking lot. I never understood the reason behind the guy following me. I mean, I wasn't driving, and even if I was, the car stopped about fifteen feet from the guy. Oh well. It's just an interesting story I thought I would share.


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